Domains for Sale, Lease or Trade

Main Page

Search for WHOIS information of domain(s):

How to know whether a domain is free for registration,
and who owns it, if not

Please type the domain name in the above field. If the name is given
complete ( or or the result will be:
NO Match for "DOMAIN.XXX"   , if the domain is free for registration or
when the naming rules for domains have been violated.
If the domain is registered, the result will be the "domain record",
public information from ICANN databases, which consists of:

Response Meaning
Domain Name: Full domain name
Registrar: Where the domain has been registered
Whois Server: Server in which the domain
is registered
Referral URL: URL with more information
Name Server: Primary server with domain information
Name Server: Backup server of the Primary
Updated Date: Last time the domain has been modified
Also, the response will normally include more detailed information
about the domain registrant (owner) and the administrative,
technical and billing contact persons (with their e-mails).

How to know wheter an existing Domain is Working
If the domain entered really exists, the first text will be:
Test for working of : DOMAIN.COM
Simply by "clicking" over the domain name, the browser will try to
open the Web page (if that exists). If not, an error message will be given.
Making global searches
If, instead of typing DOMAIN.COM, you enter DOMAIN
the search will be extended to the THREE COM, NET and ORG extensions.
If more than one exists, then they will appear "linked" to its individual search.
To search for domains beginning with a specific PREFIX, simply key PREFIX.
(ending with a dot). The result will be (in alphabetical order) the first 256
registered domains wich begins with PREFIX. This way, by locating "gaps"
between listed domains, one can locate interesting names unregistered.
Naming Rules for Domains
*  This domain locator only searches for extensions .COM ,  .NET  and  .ORG
*  One domain can have up to 63 characters in length

*  Valid characters: 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and the dash (-)
*  The dash (-) can't be the first nor the last character (but can be repeated)

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